
Tuesday 4 August 2015

5 Good Reasons to Remain Unemployed

Plus 1 Surefire Job Alternative That is Guaranteed to Make You at Least $500 per month.

(Note: this is a sort of salespage we wrote for our client in MLM (SFI))

There is no doubt that most people think the above headline is goes against everything that they believe. A lot of us were brought up to believe that we have to pound the streets in search of a job after graduating university, polytechnic or college of education. The average person believes that the fastest solution to earning income is by getting paid employment. Most people graduate from school, get a job, retire and depend on
insufficient pension. They end up working for someone all through the life, and totally depend on their boss making profit for them to be able to eat or take home something at the end of the month. Let’s be a little honest here, that is no way to live!

What Makes You Happy?

Because every Tom, Dick and Harry believes in the idea of working a 9 to 5 job, does not make it the BEST idea on the face of the planet.

Now, let’s take a close look at the issue of working the 9 to 5 grind. How many workers have managed to achieve the following?
Attaining millionaire status in a few short years (unless they work in the oil and gas industry – how many people can this industry absorb?)
Have the time to spend and enjoy their earnings?
Have the financial freedom to purchase whatever makes them happy on a whim?
Are truly satisfied and happy with their current job?

Let’s be honest (again), very few employees can proudly beat their chest and say “YES” to one or two of the aforementioned questions.

So Guess What?
For those who are not tied down working a regular job, they have the opportunity to achieve a lot and answer a big fat YES to the aforementioned questions after a period of 3 to 5 years. One can never say that when one is working a job, regardless of how lucrative the job is.

Let’s get to the meat of the matter. Today, you are going to know the 5 good reasons to choose to remain unemployed, unless you cannot afford to even put food on the table presently.

Here are 5 good reasons why you should not make the mistake of working a job your life’s objective.
You End Up Wasting Your Life Racing Against Time

When you work a job, you are actually paid for the time and the tasks that you perform on the job. This is reason why people receive remuneration at the end of the month. Translation: you are exchanging your time for wages, and everyone knows that time is LIFE.

So, this means that if you work for a period of 25 years in a company, you may have just invested 25 years of your life helping someone else to amass wealth. So if you do not go to work, you WILL NOT get paid! There is something actually wrong with this!

Think about it, do you not think that your life will be a whole lot better and so much easier if you earn income whether you go to work or not?

There are people who have done the smart thing, they chose not to follow the masses and earn wages, instead they chose a path where they get to work their way to financial freedom.

Understand this, employers do not care about your time, they care more about the value that you bring to their company, period.

If you are running the 9 to 5 grind, please do not get all sensitive about the content of this article, we are simply telling the truth. Spending your time working a dead-end job is tantamount to wasting your life. Working a job should ideally be a stepping stone for you to work your way to financial freedom.

A good example of not working for someone is creating a blog or getting involve in online marketing like SFI. Do you know that being an SFI affiliate can help you to generate up to six figure income each month? I am sure I have your attention now. You can also have other streams of income that can help you double or triple your income from this program alone.

SFI provides you two type of income, Residual and Leverage Income, let’s explain this a little more, Residual Income is income that keeps coming in month after month, year after year, from work you do just ONCE. It's like a royalty. An example would be writing a book or recording a song and getting paid forever on it. Wouldn't it be absolutely awesome to have that?! Well, with SFI you can! The article that you are reading now is actually a onetime effort (it is a fixed time investment) but I will continue to earn from it year after year. While Leveraged Income is earning money through other people's efforts. There are only 24 hours in a day. Hence, there's only so much you can earn through your own efforts. But with SFI, you can earn Leveraged Income (in the form of "override" commissions) when affiliates you've sponsored in SFI make sales. From the above, can you see with just a work you put in within a very few months, like say just six months, you stand to continue to earn money all through your life.

For instance, if you just sponsor 5 people who will earn EA2 status every month, as your PSA’s. Just 5. Not 5 per month for now, just 5 total. And you concentrate on helping them learn the business by answering all their questions and doing whatever it takes to keep them motivated. You could be earning $13,618.97 plus other ways you could add in earning from this program all in one month!!, this is not all you can earn in a month. That’s the secret of network marketing, finding the right program with the right people at the right time in the right frame of mind, putting in the right work and learning from the right person, a lot of things has to be right, that’s why when this type of opportunity comes your way, you should grab it with both hands.

The good thing about it is that once you have put in work in the beginning to set it up the way you want it, you will begin to see the progress and the money coming in and all this can happen while you are watching television, taking a nap, or even while you are on vacation. You do not have to work your fingers to the bone in order to earn good income. That is what is known as “Passive Income”, because you only get implement a system of generating income and the process does not have to be attached to your time. You can earn enough to compare yourself to a senior banker who earns a salary package of N300,000 monthly. Though, a banker will spend his or her time slaving away in the office, but you will have enough time to spend with your family and travel all over the world if you want – an opportunity that is not so attainable to people in the corporate world.
You Are Restricted to Just one Job Experience

A lot of people claim to join the 9 to 5 grind because they want to get some experience. But experience comes with the passage of time, whether you work in a regular job or not, experience is something that you will still gain – gaining experience is a given. But when you are working just any job, you will gain on-the-job experience, which has its own disadvantages. If you ever get fired from that particular job, you may not get the same job anywhere else, especially if your skills are not needed.

Now think about this carefully, would the job experience you currently have still be of great value if you cannot find an establishment that would require your skills?

So which experience would you prefer to have?
The experience of how to get a specific task(s) done well

The experience of how to attain financial independence and never having to carry your resume around in search of a job

Smart people would go for the second option – but seriously, it is a no brainer.
Having a Job is Way too Risky

Most people these days believe that landing a job is the safest and most secure way to get financial support – that’s sad.

It is easier to just go with the masses than to standout and do something different. Does it make sense to put yourself in a position where someone else can decide to give you the axe (fire you) if they wake up on the wrong side of the bed? Many employers have been known to fire workers on a whim, or just because the worker refuses to worship the floor they walk on. Do you honestly want to be at the mercy of a psychotic boss?

If you are someone’s employee, especially at a one-man run establishment, you are gambling with the opportunity to live a financial-worry-free life.
It is Difficult to Boost your Earnings

The moment you become a salary earner, you automatically have an “income limit”. You really do not have any power to boost your income. And when you do have the opportunities to do overtime at the office, there is a limitation to how much money you can possibly earn. But the moment you become your own boss, the income ceiling disappears. You can decide to sell as many products or services as possible and expect to earn a high profit. Just think about it, you could sell 400 units of a product that costs N5000 each month and earn over N1 million – doing this on several occasions will help you work your way into financial freedom. What if you are able to sell over 1000 units? You will be able to boost your income tremendously. Asking your boss (nicely) to give you a raise or increase your salary because you truly deserve it may actually do you more harm than good. But if you run your own business and truly desire to boost your income, you only need to create more and more products and drive more traffic to your website in order to boost your earnings.
Being Employed is Tantamount to Being a Modern Slave

The moment you get employed, you are no longer on your own time. Your boss is now the proud owner of your time, and would demand for it anytime he or she wants to. You have unwittingly sold your freedom in exchange for the salary you will get at the end of each month. Like slaves from the dark ages, you will need to obey the rules and regulations of the company, and have no right to your own time while you still work in the company – if this is not a form of slavery, we honestly don’t know what is! Yes, this particular truth is better, nonetheless it is the TRUTH!

If you doubt it, try not resuming at the usual office hours or choose not to show up in 48hours and see what happens. You will be more than lucky if you do not get a query or letter of dismissal if you do not have a watertight explanation for missing work.

When you start working a job, you automatically become a “modern slave”. Yup, you are being paid for the services you render, but is it worth risking everything for your financial freedom? As a worker, you can bring in business worth millions of Naira into the company, but your boss might just decide to pay you peanuts and dangle little carrots in front of you so that he can keep you coming back to the office so that you will keep enriching his/her pocket, while you die in poverty. This can easily be compared to the work slaves do for their masters – slaves will do all the backbreaking work in the scorching sun and blistering cold and the masters reap all the rewards.

How to Be Happily Unemployed

In order to become happily unemployed, you will need to generate income through several means.

This is the part where you ask “How can I be happily unemployed?”

Well, you need to understand that every time you earn money, you are providing value and not time. So, you will need to ensure that you search for new ways to provide “VALUE” to other people in exchange for profit. One of the simplest ways to do this is to start your very own business.

Think about this, you create a business that other people are creating, all the tools you need to succeed have been provided for you, 3 free website assigned you once you begin, you earn as you learn and if you are fast, within 2 to 3 months, you have finished the work you need to set up your business the right way, double your income and finally become FREE

Take An Action Now

Do not waste your time enriching someone else when you can use the same amount of time to secure a better life for yourself and your family.

Do you wish to have your own blog, be able to start posting your own blog post on your facebook fan page? well, that’s what you will get from me if you join today, this is my way of motivating and also congratulating you for taking a decision to give your life a new meaning.

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