
Tuesday 4 August 2015

Multi-Level- Marketing: Implode, Explode or Soar Higher

(Note: This article was written for an internet marketer)

Your Network Marketing (Multi-Level-Marketing - MLM) business is like a large and heavy aeroplane. Slowly but surely you move on the runway preparing for your great take off. Your passengers are all strapped in safely and you have the go-ahead from ground control to take off. The take off is slow, but at least you have enough speed to make it into the air. You go higher and higher. Things are going well and suddenly you experience air pockets. Nothing major and you continue your flight. You are still doing fine, and suddenly a passenger
jumps off the plane – without a parachute.

Then, another one jumps and suddenly more and more passengers jump off. The plane looses altitude quite fast, and you feel that crashing is inevitable… You get depressed, there are only a few passengers left on board. You decide to put an end to your flight, and so you jump off yourself and watch your plane crash and burn out.

You wanted to get involved in an online business, and you have chosen the first and best option that looked really good and that had an amazing compensation plan. What could have been better – easy money and you can get rich quickly too! You spoke to all your friends and family members, they joined your network and some may even have done some work as well. You even followed the programme to the letter and did everything 100% correctly. You started with a lot of enthusiasm and lots of hype. Then the novelty wears off and you spend less time working on your opportunity every day. You get tired and have less and less sign ups by the day. You may have even lost a few members along the way too.

You start to get bored and depressed with this opportunity because suddenly it does not work or meet your expectations. The person you have signed up under, does not really support you or give you the answers you need to make a success of your business. On the other hand, you may not have the mentor/tutor you hoped to have to help you long the way. You face the internet alone, nobody wants to or can help you and you fail at your new opportunity.

You become another statistic. It is said that 97% of all people who get involved in MLM, fail or give up within the first 3 to 6 months after starting a new venture like this. A meagre 3 percent succeed in this business. It is normal to blame the system because it does not work or your sponsor/upline does not support and help you. This occurrence can be translated directly as the “Valley of Death”.
BUT surely, there has to be a way to overcome this?!

Why can only that 3% make a success of it? By following and implementing a few simple steps in their internet business:

Every network marketer gets to a point where she/he has to make one of 3 choices:

a) Cancel and forget about it – jump out without a parachute and watch the plane crash and burn and become part of the 97% failures

b) Look for a new opportunity to join – jump off the aeroplane, but get onto a new one once you have recovered form your initial shock and disappointment OR

c) Go on with your chosen opportunity – weather the storms and keep the plane steady, but at a lower altitude for a time and then slowly but surely build up altitude again and this time round make a roaring success, because they have the right support which we will discuss in the next point.

Start your own small socialising group with like-minded people and meet on at regular intervals, and discuss the problems you experience and hear how other people made a success of their businesses, and overcame their problems in MLM.

Yes, I know it is easy words to say. But, don’t give up. It is during this time that the true courage and skill and perseverance of the captain of the aeroplane shine through. The valley of death is a very necessary time in any business. It is in this time that the captain reaches his full potential – character is built and perseverance is one of the valuable lessons learned. The plane starts to actually slowly rise and things are looking up again.

If you decide to start out with a new venture, make sure of the support this company offers you. Do not look at the compensation plan only, but see what the company actually pays out to the members. There are a lot of companies out there promising you lots of money, but all they actually want is members to work for them all their lives long and promote their products. All of this at a very low compensation. Look for a company that will:

a) Support you and motivate you to do better
b) Help you create a passive and recurring income for life
c) Actually give you a product and service for the subscription fee that you pay on a monthly basis
d) A company that has a genuine interest in you as a person – not just a number working for them
Some small things to help you to keep your aeroplane from falling and eventually crashing:

Do not spend time with people who are negative towards you and your new venture. These are the people who will jump off the plane first and take a lot of your members with them, they will also jeopardise your positive thinking.

Change your attitude to change your altitude. A change is sometimes as good as a holiday. Turn around your stagnant routine, stop doing and making the same mistakes over and over again. The only thing between you and getting rich is your attitude, the sooner you change it, the sooner your aeroplane will take off and the sky is definitely not the limit!

Have and keep faith in what you do. Nobody understands your needs better than yourself. People see what you do and promote, and if you do not believe in what you do, how do you want others to even believe a word of what you say. The moment you stop believing in yourself and your product, you will loose members and your plane will not survive the air pockets or a sudden drop in pressure. It takes a lot of faith to keep a big aeroplane/business in the air. Things will not always be as easy as you would like them to be – remember the lessons you learned in the valley of death.

The moment you do something you are passionate about, it becomes a pleasure and you want to spend time on it and work on it. Other people will see this and ask you why you are so successful and they would like to follow a leader who is positive and passionate.

Support your members. Without your members, you are nothing. When somebody comes to you with a problem, try and find a solution and help them. If you do not know the answer, ask someone in your social support group to help you with the answer and revert back to the person who asked you the question initially.

To get a large aeroplane off the ground, you need a lot of thrust and power. But, to keep it in the air, you need a captain who knows what he is doing. However, when he experiences a drop in altitude, he has to be able to handle the situation and slowly coax the plane back to a higher altitude. The same principle applies to MLM and the Valley of Death. With a positive attitude, and the correct support, you can make it to the top as well.

MLM is not easy if you try and do it on your own. Become pro-active and start working on your opportunity with the same amount of enthusiasm every day. Your members look up to you as a leader and they can either sink your business or help you soar. Even if it goes very slow, consistency is the key to success along with perseverance. When you feel that there is now way out of the Valley of Death, remember, that is the place true leaders are made. Are you going to be one of the 3% who make a success of their online business, or are you willing to quit and become part of the 97% - just another statistic?

SFI has so far prove to be the only online business that can help you build a residual income, it has prove that MLM can work, that it can last test of time, currently in their 17th year of operation and millions of commissions paid out. Many have jumped in and out of SFI plane and yet the plane keep on soaring up and up, never crashing or burning, if you have not joined this plane, here is your last to enter on board, join the moving train

Your attitude determines your altitude
Make a U-turn and save your business!

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